“Many Architects Think as They Draw. I Don’t Do That”: In Conversation With Mikkel Frost-

“Many Architects Think as They Draw. I Don’t Do That”: In Conversation With Mikkel Frost-
Street Dome, CEBRA, Mikkel Frost, Haderslev

Talking to the Louisiana Channel, Danish architect Mikkel Frost, talks about how he visualises his ideas and represents his architectural concepts – through the mediums of pen, ink and watercolours. Frost views his use of drawing as different from other architects, who “think as they draw”. Frost, on the other hand, “prints” the image he already has in his mind, saying “I’m many steps ahead of what I draw, basically printing the whiteboard in my mind.”

Boliger, Saltholmsgade, Æbeløgade, aarhus, æbeløen

The interview also sees Mikkel Frost talk about the artistic ethos of his company, CEBRA, and the debate of the use of computers and hand drawings in the design process. Frost strikes a middle ground between them, viewing both methods as approaches that can work in tandem with each other. “It’s not a choice between the computer and the hand drawing”, Frost says. “They are both very different tools and both tools are excellent for what they do best.” Frost still harbours a preference for hand-drawing however, maintaining that it is able to establish a much closer relationship with the client.

Boliger, Saltholmsgade, Æbeløgade, aarhus, æbeløen

‘ ‘ But the shortest distance between your head and something, that other people can see, runs definitely through the hand or the pen. So, at a meeting with a client or staff or whomever, you are talking to being able to spontaneously illustrate your thoughts, the pen is totally superior.” — Mikkel Frost

courtesy- Archdaily



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