The construction period of the two phases was 14 months each. A large number of craftmanship during the construction has produced many problems that could only be solved on-site, therefore the site was repeatedly touched and shaped by countless hands. In 2007, the photographer Iwan Baan recorded the campus after completion. In 2021, photographer Sai Zhao used the lens of original focal length to take pictures of the campus at the same location. Over the course of more than ten years, green plants have covered and sheltered the structure, and the building now has its own life.
“Every time, I see what I am creating as more than just a complex of buildings, instead I am building a world. By saying the term ‘world’, I have expanded the scope of activities defined by ‘architecture ‘. Indeed, the activities are what we should really be building. The activities are about the organization of each site. It’s not just that the house and its surroundings that belong to architecture, we should include the range of activities happening in this space, from the boundary, to the enclosed volume, from inside to outside.”–‘ Imagining the House’ (Shu Wang 2012)