Rajpath- the central axis originates from the Rashtrapati Bhawan (President’s House) and culminates at the C-Hexagon. The road is planned as a grand vista with an unforgettable experience. Rajpath is flanked by large trees, green open spaces and continuous strip of water bodies on both sides.
C-Hexagon with India Gate , Sajeev Smarak and Chattri at its centre creates the largest and the most active public space in the city. The Pool of Contemplation (Manan Dhara) situated at the centre of the Sajeev Smarak provides the end point and reflects the central axis in its entirety. The inclusive nature of the site creates lively and dynamic spaces and forms an integral part in the lives of the people.
Sajeev Smarak, the national war memorial is planned to function in conjunction with India Gate to form the largest public space of the city at the culmination of Rajpath. The road not only links Rashtrapati Bhawan to the C-Hexagon but also represents the link between India and its people. This link demarcates and reveals the democratic and liberal ideologies on which the constitution of our country is formed; with the seat of Government on one end functioning simultaneously with the seat of the people on the other.