Brick House by The Purple Ink Studio stands in the coastal town of Mangalore, situated in the southern Karnataka region of India. The city, renowned for its diverse cultural tapestry and historic charm, provided the backdrop for this project. The site, amidst a densely populated urban area, sought to recapture lost character and heritage, offering a retreat for the client returning from Saudi Arabia to reconnect with his roots.Inspired by old brick factories and traditional architectural elements like red-oxide flooring and lime-plaster-finished walls, the design narrative aimed to blend the essence of the past with modern aesthetics.
Given Mangalore’s tropical climate with heavy rainfall and hot summers, passive design strategies were employed to ensure optimal cross-ventilation and thermal comfort.The house, situated on a corner plot, was meticulously planned across multiple levels to maximize space and privacy. Semi-private areas on the lower levels transitioned seamlessly into private spaces above, with interconnected courts providing natural light and ventilation. The sloped terrain facilitated dual-level access, with parking and entertainment spaces on the lower ground and formal living areas on the upper level.
Drawing from traditional courtyard houses, the design incorporated various courts and decks that interacted with the surrounding environment, creating a sense of openness and connection to nature. The building’s layered skin, composed of brick and laterite masonry, provided insulation from the elements while filtering natural light through intricate brick jaalis.The facade, adorned with patterned brickwork reminiscent of tiled sloping roofs, added visual interest and scale to the structure, evoking a sense of motion and dynamism. Internally, natural materials like black limestone and grey tandur stones complemented plaster-finished walls, celebrating craftsmanship and timeless design.The client’s active involvement in the design process ensured a seamless interpretation of vision into reality, with minimalistic interiors devoid of paint, accentuated by cotton and jute drapery.
Artwork conceptualized and commissioned by the project architect further enriched the space, embodying the design narrative.Brick House embodies a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, where architectural elements and materiality converge to create a timeless residence that pays homage to the past while embracing the future.Brick House, located in Mangalore, blends tradition and modernity in its coastal setting passive design strategies ensure uninterrupted cross-ventilation throughout the house the sloped topography allows entry at different levels, with parking on the lower ground nested on a corner plot, the house features multiple layers intersected by courts at various levels brick jaalis filter light and create visual boundaries, adding to the architectural expression a triple-height skylight welcomes visitors into the main entry, flooding the space with natural light interiors feature natural materials like black limestone and grey tandur stones.