The dream of having a home is in everyone’s heart, and for most people, their homes are their most valued possessions. Many home owners take pride in the beauty, size, functionality and architectural design of their houses, and those aspiring to own a home want it to have a great design. But what does it take to have the perfect house to call home? Among the many factors and resources needed is the perfect normal house front elevation design.
Everything we do starts as an idea in our minds, and the design of a home must reflect the mind and lifestyle of the owner. Current trends in home design are nothing short of architectural marvels. Residential and real estate properties are adorned with beautiful finishing designs, paint colors mixed creatively, and materials selected carefully to create the right texture.
For a long time, property law has used the term elevation to refer to the ‘front’ side of a building. This was until a recent ruling by the Upper Tribunal(UT) of England, in a dispute where a tenant had replaced a window on the rear wall of their rental house with a door, despite the agreement forbidding modifications to the ‘elevation’ of the building. The UT ruled that the term elevation denotes any and all vertical surfaces, not just the front side. Of course the tenant had to pay the landlord as the rear side is also an elevation, the rear elevation.
The design in which we elevate the walls of a side, with all their decorations and styles, becomes the elevation of that side of the house. How the house looks when observed from the front side is known as it’s front elevation. Likewise, we have the rear, side and top elevations. All these are the views of the house from each side, showing the completed house. This article is mostly about the front elevation and the how to get the best design for your house. A prospective home owner will want to see a rendering of the imagined house, understand the whole design, and tweak the it until the house looks perfect. Having the front elevation rendering of a house will not only ensure that an aspiring home owner gets the perfect home, but will also prevent costly modifications after construction has started.
Balance and symmetry in design, are all about creating features on the house that have a mirror-like effect, or create resemblance. For example, balconies and windows are lined up and streamlined in equal numbers on opposite sides to give the impression of balance and perfectionism in design. A design does not need to have balance, and other aspects of design can be used to create a beautiful normal house front elevation. An architectural elevation that has repeating patterns appears harmonious and having a high degree of unity. The different parts of the elevation appears as a whole, not as separate parts.
While balance and symmetry and unity are important to give and impression of strength and harmony, a variety of exterior designs is important for the house not to look boring. Variety in unity is a design concept where you maintain unity with one element of your house design, while creating variety with a another element. A good example is creating similar geometric shapes on the elevation, but vary them with color and/or texture. Creative stretching, folding, twisting, or tilting shapes can be employed in normal house front elevation design to create breathtaking elevations that guests will remember for a long time.
Perspective referrers to the angle of view, created by vanishing points and depth. It brings out the three dimensional volumes of the house or spatial relationships when drawn in two dimensions. Perspective makes a shape appear smaller the further it is from the observer. In normal house front elevation designs, perspective helps create realistic images of the house, helping the designer and the home owner to better visualize the insides and outsides of the house.
Lighting and perspective almost always go together. The direction of sunlight towards the house must be considered and the effect appearance of the house. This is also important with regard to functionality, as natural light is invaluable and must be allowed into the house. Beautiful house front elevations can be created by placing the house to take advantage of available natural lighting sources.