Muted luxury and elegance, highpoints of our design – Azure Interiors..

Muted luxury and elegance, highpoints of our design – Azure Interiors..

Create fluid, cohesive, sustainable environments that serve the needs of today & stand the test of time, Rashi Bothra and Ruchi Gehani, Co-founders of Azure Interiors, with their contemporary design style and ideas are building dream projects for the clients.

CW DesignBuild speaks to Rashi Bothra a..

What is your vision for Azure Interiors?
At Azure Interiors, our vision is to help people discover the nuances of bespoke décor, as also to bring a personal experience to home designing and styling. Our tailor-made solutions are created to suit the client’s personal taste and lifestyle. For this rea..

While creating workspaces, what are the key design elements that you take into account at the initial design stage?
At the initial design stage for workspaces, we start with a smart space layout that ensures optimum utilisation of space, while also keeping the aesthetics in mind.

Take us through your process of designing spaces from concept to execution.
We start by studying the space and its stucture to understand what kind of vibe it has and what kind of design style would suit it. We then understand the requirements and sensibilities of the client, and the budget they are..

How do you approach design to accommodate aesthetic and functionality in commercial projects?
We believe that the main role of any interior designer is to fulfill functional requirements of the space while keeping all the practical aspects in mind, and also ensure that the space looks aesthetically ..

Tell us about the projects you are working on currently.
We are currently working on luxury villas, couple of hospitality projects and some unique corporate offices…

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