Mid-Century Britain: Modern Architecture 1938–1963

Mid-Century Britain: Modern Architecture 1938–1963

Leading expert and passionate advocate of modern British architecture Elain Harwood gives the best overview of British architecture from 1938 to 1963 – mid-century buildings.

Growing in popularity and with an increasing understanding of their importance as a background to our lives, the buildings range from the Royal Festival Hall, Newcastle City Hall and to Deal Pier and Douglas ferry terminal, from prefabs and ice cream parlours to Coventry Cathedral and the Golden Lane Estate. The author writes in non-technical, layman’s language about the design, architecture and also the influence of these buildings on the lives of our towns and cities


Elain Harwood is a historian with Historic England, and author of Space Hope and Brutalism, England’s Post-War Listed Buildings and Art Deco Britain. She gives lectures and leads tours for the C20 Society, and has published Chamberlin, Powell and Bon in association with them, HE and the RIBA, and 100 Buildings/Houses/Churches/Landscapes, 100Years in association with Batsford. She lives in London.

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