Metropolises in India have expanded progressively over the years. As they grow away from the center, urban homelessness, a general lack of space and soaring land values and rentals have seen the rooftops get occupied in recent years.
Rooftops are eventful. People contemplate there. Astronomical events are enjoyed there. Spaces under an overhead tank and even the top of it are seen with a group of friends. Clothes are dried and spices are sunbathed on rooftops. Men look for women on neighboring buildings. And young artists are known to find solitude and inspiration often on terraces.
To keep this charm alive and away from the fact that urban space-starved conditions force people to occupy rooftops too, a Barcelona group has been reclaiming them to hold public events since 2011. The idea of rooftops as mini homes and inspiration for artists are long seen in Mexico. Municipal Corporation of Mumbai is opening up rooftops for cafes and restaurants. Chennai has also witnessed rooftop football and cricket practice pitches come up.
There are several ways roofs are used around the world. If you’re looking to use your building’s rooftop, here are three examples that could teach you how:
On top of an apartment set in a safe and sound locality, the party hall is every household’s rooftop getaway. Irregular and dented in shape, the rooftop is dealt with two simple spaces that make the building transform to different ways of having fun on the roof.