HISTORY, TOURISM, SUSTAINABLE DESIGN | Aiming towards a sustainability vision in practice

HISTORY, TOURISM, SUSTAINABLE DESIGN | Aiming towards a sustainability vision in practice

aiming towards a sustainability vision in practice

A one week unique hybrid activation with
online & physical workshops & Lectures In-situ activities

ECOWEEK celebrating its 15-year anniversary invites architects, designers and landscape architects and students to a unique hybrid activation – virtual and in-situ – on sustainable design to address the contemporary challenges and opportunities in historic heritage, sustainable tourism, circular economy practices in design workshops on real sites in Aegina, Greece. The event aims to challenge and train professionals, young professionals and students and raise awareness locally and internationally on tangible solutions through sustainable design and public engagement with local residents and businesses. Project ideas will be presented to the Mayor for implementation.

ECOWEEK is an NGO, established by architect and environmental expert Elias Messinas, with the passion to change people’s habits and the mission to raise environmental awareness and to engage the public in promoting the principles of social and environmental sustainability through design. ECOWEEK workshops train and empower architects and designers in innovative practices in sustainable design, green buildings, and placemaking, to re-imagine and reshape public space.

  • TitleHISTORY, TOURISM, SUSTAINABLE DESIGN | Aiming towards a sustainability vision in practice
  • TypeConference
  • Websitehttps://www.ecoweek2021.org/
  • OrganizersEcoweek
  • FromAugust 29, 2021 05:00 PM
  • UntilSeptember 04, 2021 03:00 PM
  • VenueAegina, Greece
  • AddressAegina

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