Reddymade founder Suchi Reddy has joined Dezeen Awards 2024 as a judge. Here she selects five projects that best reflect her studio’s work.Originally from Chennai, a city in eastern India, Reddy founded her New York-based practice Reddymade based on “a design ethos informed by neuroaesthetics, the study of how the brain responds to the design of its surroundings”.”I believe design exists in everything – it’s not restricted to architecture or to language,” Reddy told Dezeen. “I like to celebrate its presence in everything I do.””The projects we take on and the portfolio of the firm are incredibly diverse, which makes it a rather difficult practice to explain to clients because generally, people want to see you’ve done 30 of the same thing,” she continued. “Doing the first of something is what lights my fire.”
“We build our worlds out of our bodies”
Reddy believes architecture influences emotions and society, with environments reflecting human’s physical selves.”Architecture and spatial experience have the power to impact both how we feel and how we shape society, and we believe in the positive contribution we can offer through design,” Reddy explained.”We work towards a larger idea of design justice, where the importance of design is recognised as an asset for the benefit of all,” she continued.”We build our worlds out of our bodies. We start with our body, our clothes, our homes, our cities, our towns, our countries – those are really important layers that we need to address as people who make place and space.”Studio Reddymade is launching new projects in Detroit, Lincoln and Nebraska, alongside recently completed residential interiors in Greenwich Village and Hollywood. Additionally, they have several ongoing construction projects, including retail flagships for furniture brand Humanscale in Chicago and other global locations, as well as three new homes in upstate New York, India and Brazil.This fall, they will also debut a furniture collection highlighting Indian craft in collaboration with online shopping brand Ekaya at design gallery Les Ateliers Courbet in New York.
Reddy among Dezeen Awards 2024 judges
Dezeen Awards 2024 has launched in partnership with Bentley. This week we announced our seventh set of Dezeen Awards judges, interior designers Nate Berkus and Brigette Romanek, designers Neville Brody and Rio Kobayashi and architect Nikoline Dyrup Carlsen.The entry deadline for Dezeen Awards 2024 is 30 May. Submit your projects by then to avoid late entry fees.Read on to find Reddy’s views on the five projects that best represent the work of Reddymade.