Design of Built Forms of Wind Responsive Skyscrapers through Dynamic Interactions

Design of Built Forms of Wind Responsive Skyscrapers through Dynamic Interactions

The Wind is air in motion relative to the surface of the earth.
It varies with time and space. Due to unpredictable nature of
wind, it is necessary to design the structure by considering the
critical effect of the wind on the it. The motion of wind is
always governed by the state of its surrounding conditions.
The wind forces depend upon terrain and topography of
location well as the nature of the wind, size, and shape of the
structure and dynamic properties of the structure. As the wind
encounters a structure, it exerts positive pressure on the
windward face.
Every physical conformation of a building will react to wind
flow lines in distinctive manners. Some surfaces, planes or
points would help deviate the flow lines or would converge
them. Deviation in wind flow away from the building surfacewill always cater to reducing the velocity and therein the
pressure on the building, which any design should aim at.
Hence, fluid mechanics play an important part. It would be
safe to say that a building standing tall in the atmosphere will
experience the same kind of wind motion like that of a bird
flying high in the sky. Just how an aerofoil shape was
invented to cut through the wind passage for aeroplanes,
taking influence from a bird. There can be a number of shapes
and forms of buildings which work against wind.
The two very basic approaches of designing can be a static
approach or a dynamic approach. Dynamic approach counters
the static approach, assuming the buildings to be exceptionally
tall, slender or vibration prone. These are methods generally
used when the width to height ratio is 1:5 or above. The
dynamic interaction between motion of the building and
gusting of the wind increases effective wind loading. (Nirmal,
The paper will focus on the current designs for skyscrapers
and effect of wind dynamics on them which are observed by
placing 3D building models in simulation software having
real-time wind conditions of MumbaiLITERATURE REVIEW
With the perfect and over the conventional correlation
approach between Architecture and Engineering, has resulted
in creating the landmark in the world. It is very important to
understand phenomena of wind over the building form to
counteract the wind pressure on the structure. Further, the
design of tall buildings is not limited to wind sensitive design
but rather using wind to the advantage of building.
The wind behavior can be classified into various phenomena.
“Cross-wind” actions usually govern in design of very tall
buildings; especially interference effects magnify these
effects. Interference from buildings located in close proximity
to the proposed building can cause large increases in crosswind responses. The designer should not only consider the
existing conditions but make allowance for future changes in
the surrounding area during the design life of the structure.
There are several different phenomena giving rise to dynamic
response of structures in wind. These include buffeting, vortex
shedding, galloping and flutter. Slender structures are likely to
be sensitive to dynamic response in line with the wind
direction as a consequence of turbulence buffeting. Transverse
or cross-wind response is more likely to arise from vortexshedding or galloping but may also result from excitation by
turbulence buffeting. Flutter is a coupled motion, often being
a combination of bending and torsion, and can result in
instability. For building structures flutter and galloping are
generally not an issue. (J. & B., 2007)
The wind response is largely determined by building shapes.
Buildings with rounded forms, rather than rectangular forms
with flat surfaces, offer less wind resistance (Figure 1). Tall
buildings that are short in horizontal dimensions are more
critical for overturn and possibly for the total horizontal
deflection at their tops (Figure 2). Open-sided buildings or
buildings with forms that cup the wind tend to catch the wind,
resulting in more wind force than that assumed for the general METHODOLOGY
TYPE OF RESEARCH: Qualitative and Quantitative
 To perform virtual wind tunnel tests through
simulation on form of buildings for studying its
behaviour towards wind flow.
 To study Live and Book Case Studies to understand
problems, Mistakes and Solutions.
 To have a comparative analysis between different
skyscrapers in Mumbai region and draw conclusions
for optimum design solutions.
HYPOTHESIS: The form for the building will taper from its
lowest floor to its highest floor for all built forms. TOWER FORM: The W-shaped corners minimises the wind
load on the structure. Building Vertical Shaping: The
repeating modules were inspired by the joints of indigenous
bamboo and the tiers of pagodas; each module has a narrower
base and a wider top as if a flower opening to the sky. Each
module has eight floors, and eight modules form the majority
of the tower‟s height. In the Chinese spoken in Taiwan,
„eight‟ is a homonym with „wealth,‟ making it a very
appropriate feature for a financial center. A ninth module that
tops the main shaft and supports an architectural spire has a
smaller footprint but matching wall slopes. Below the
repetitive flared modules, a 25 story base shaped as a
truncated pyramid provides improved overturning resistance
and lateral stiffness (Figure 8).TOWER FORM: The overall cylindrical shape allows for the
wind to move around the building. It breaks the hierarchy of
solid rectangular boxes in the vicinity. Offers minimal
resistance to wind, improving the environment for people on
the ground and reducing the load on the building. The slim
base reduces the reflections and increases daylight
penetration. The bullet shaped building responds to specific
demands of small site area. The design provides column free
floor space, light, views, and incorporates many sustainable
building design features. Atria between the radiating fingers
of each floor link together vertically to form a series of
informal break out spaces. These loads are all absorbed
through the glass façade and eventually transferred to the
diagrid. The pressurized air from the wind passes into the
building through a natural ventilation system, which is
incorporated through a double skin. There are open shafts
built in between each floor that act as ventilation for the
building and they require no energy for use. The shafts pull
warm air out of the building during the summer and use
International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890 (online), 2347-5013(print)
Volume No.8, Special Issue No.2 28th & 29th FCONCLUSION
With these examples already in place it is believed that
Architecture is not limited to designing spaces but go hand in
hand with different fields of engineering. The „tapering‟ effect
is utilized by creating smaller surface areas at higher levels
and reducing the upper level plans, and thus mitigating the
wind load. The more sculptured a building‟s top, the better it
can minimize the along wind and across wind responses.
While reducing the plan areas at the upper level by „varying
the shape‟ of the building along its height, minimizes the wind
forces by causing the wind to behave differently, preventing it
from becoming organized, as in case of the Burj Dubai Tower.
Aerodynamically favorable forms are preferred. Some
modifications on cross-sectional shape such as slotted,
chamfered rounded corners, and corner cuts on a rectangular
building, can have significant effects on both along wind and
across wind responses of the building to wind, as in Taipei
A curved shape of the building in plan, when the approaching
wind direction is towards the concave side of the building,
will give a thrust which is tangent to the surface and hence
comes in less contact with it allowing the flow lines to
deviate. Material of the façade also plays an important role in.

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