Construction Technology in Hilly Areas: Western Ghats

Construction Technology in Hilly Areas: Western Ghats

Aishwarya Gawali, Ar.Shubhashree Upasani, Ar.Anuradha Joshi
(Fourth Year B.Arch.)
ShriShivaji Maratha Society‟s College of Architecture, Pune

Abstract : Architecture on hills offers advantages
like views and cool breeze. Hilly regions have
variations in topography, geology, altitude and
climate. Unpredictable geological and climatic
conditions make construction conditions
unfavourable. Various factors are considered like
landslide-prone areas, slope, existing subsurface
water and study of geological maps before
constructing on a sloping site. Construction
techniques play an important role in helping the
structure sustain. Vernacular construction
techniques include use of timber, mud, stone, etc.
Contemporary construction techniques include use
of green building materials like steel-framed
construction, cement-wood boards, etc. This
research paper deals with construction techniques
which will help sustain the structure.
Keywords –Sloping sites, Topography, Geology,
Landslide, Vernacular architecture,
Contemporary construction techniques.

Hills are landforms that rise above the
surrounding terrain. Hills are formed through
geological activity such as faulting or erosion. Earlier
settlements were built on hills, to avoid floods,
densely forested areas, for defense and good views.
Lack of picturesque views, fresh air and accessible
flat lands in the cities, people have finally started to
resort to hilly regions. With increasing population
and construction demands, construction in hilly
regions, on sloping sites have taken place Challenges faced during construction in hilly
Hilly regions have wide variations in topography,
geology, altitude, geomorphology, material resources
and climate. Unpredictable geological situations, Building consideration for construction in hilly
1) Site Selection:
1.1Check for Landslide-prone areas: Landslides
are most prevalent disaster in hilly regions, which are
caused by gravity acting on weakened rocks, debris,
etc. which constitute a sloping area of land. A
landslide hazard map shows the areas susceptible to
1.2Check for Slope and sequence of rock
structures:Study of sequence of rock structures
beneath help analyze the stability of land, and
whether the land is suitable for construction or not.
1.3Check for existing subsurface water:The
presence of subsurface water in an area may lead to
the formation of cavities therefore inviting 2) Comprehensive Planning:
2.1 Topographical data: It involves study of
geological maps, analysis of geomorphological
features, previous and present land use, previous
slope failure and landslides, underground services,
2.2 Site Investigation: For construction on a hillsite, site investigation should be executed in two
stages. First stage consists of boreholes and
geophysical survey which includesdepth of soft soil,
hard stratum and bedrock.Soil samplesshould be
collected from boreholes for laboratory tests, which
help in designing slopes, foundations and
retainingwalls.In addition, the ground water profile
should also be examined.
3) Design of Slopes:
Designing of slopes plays an important role while
constructing on a sloping site. Improper design
creates environmental impact leading to slope
failures.Therefore, for slope design, detailed
information about soil properties,geology of the site,
groundwater regime is necessary.The structure
design should fit the natural contour and reduce cut
and fill of earthworks.

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