The TECU® ARCHITECTURE AWARD opened its annual call for submissions in September, 2021. The Award seeks to recognize the best uses of copper – a natural element which is durable, recyclable and sustainable “by nature”.
The deadline for submitting project documents for the TECU® ARCHITECTURE AWARD is February 28, 2022.
Copper and its products offer a huge potential in terms of sustainability: 90% of all copper ever extracted and processed worldwide is still in use today. TECU® products from KME are made of copper and copper alloys, all of which are prematerial 100% sourced from recycled stocks.
The Award jury will decide on the winners in the categories ‘Realised Buildings’ and ‘Project Award for Students’ in April 2022. Any submitted work will be considered, regardless of use or scale. The most important requirement: all projects and works must have been created between 2016 and 2021 using copper products of the TECU® brand from the manufacturer KME or must have been designed as a student project with a reference to copper as a material. In addition to the specific use of materials, the overall architectural concept is the decisive criterion for the assessment.
The competition forms are available as a download document on the Award website.
The Jury: