How were the concepts of the observer and user in architecture and urban planning transformed throughout the 20th and 21st centuries? Marianna Charitonidou explores how the mutations of the means of representation in architecture and urban planning relate to the significance of city’s inhabitants. She investigates Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s fascination with perspective, Team Ten’s interest in the humanisation of architecture and urbanism, Constantinos Doxiadis and Adriano Olivetti’s role in reshaping the relationship between politics and urban planning during the postwar years, Giancarlo De Carlo’s architecture of participation, Aldo Rossi’s design methods, Denise Scott Brown’s active socioplactics and Bernard Tschumi’s conception praxis.
Chapter 1: Le Corbusier’s act of drawing
Chapter 2: Le Corbusier’s space beyond words
Chapter 3: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s interior perspective views
Chapter 4: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s Baukunst as Zeitwille
Chapter 5: The Team Ten and the humanization of architecture
Chapter 6: Aldo Rossi’s visual strategies and the prioritization of the observer
Chapter 7: Constantinos Doxiadis and Adriano Olivetti’s role in reshaping the relationship between politics and urban planning
Chapter 8: Giancarlo De Carlo’s participatory design methods
Chapter 9: Denise Scott Brown and the socio-anthropological meaning as new objectivity
Chapter 10: Bernard Tschumi’s politics of space